Friday, August 7, 2009

Week 6-3. Reflection

I am glad that I am taking this course. For the past few weeks, I've learned some Web 2.0 technologies and how to incorporate them to improve learning and performance. All the course activities and assignment made me realize that no one of technology can provide all the things that we needs. Combining a few technologies can provide a more comprehensive tools that meet our needs. Another things that is important for me is understanding the Produsage principles.

I do plan to learn and explore intensively some of the technologies that I can be used personally as a lifelong learners and professionally as a lecturer. CiteULike, Diigo, Wikispaces, blog, Facebook and Ning are some technologies that I think I use to improve my work performance.
I definetely need to chose the tool that my future students can use it. I was so sad when I had to teach "Computer and learning media" for elementary school teachers. Some of them did not know how to use computer, even they have computer in their home or school, they never use it because they were afraid that they could damage the computer. So I had to teach them from the very basic so finally they can use word document and excel.

Thanks Dr. Dennen, Woon-Jee, Christy, and my classmates. Have a nice break.

Week 6-2. My experience with Ning

Finally, I have a time to explore Ning. I have no idea that the Ning interface is so user friendly. Before I tried it, I thought it would require a lot of time to get familiar with the interface and the features. I've created a network "for better education" and played around with the features, although I've not start any discussion. I plan to keep this site and invite others to join the network. Hopefully, I can manage this site to give my "little" contribution to improve my country's education quality.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Week 6-1. Information about my produsage #2

I decided to provide more information about my produsage #2. For this assignment I created NF Coffe Hour - for Teacher Development blog to provide an informal learning media for the NF community where they can share ideas, articles, videos in how to improve the quality and the competency of the teachers.

NF is an acronim for Nurul Fikri. Actually its full name is Nurul Fikri Boarding School (NFBS). It is an educational institution that manages junior and senior high schools. The schools are located in Anyer, Banten while the headquarter is located in Depok, West Java.

The initial thought of creating this blog is for the NF community only, since they've an official website for the public consumption. Right now, my position is as the administrator of this blog. I've invited the leaders of this organization to be the authors/contributors of this blog. So far there are five person who confirmed and agreed to become the authors of this blog. The intended audience of this blog is the NFBS's teachers. For the purpose of the course's assigment, I still open this blog so that anyone can access it. I will invited the teachers as the readers of this blog later after this class is finished.

I am still trying to fix the translation tool. There also another thing that I want to fix. I want to make the post become short and provide "the read more" in each post. I've tried to do it by edit the html and by modify the site feed but it wasn't work.
Could anyone tell me how to do it? Thank you so much in advance.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 5 - 3. Authorship, copyright and open access.

Authorship copyright, and open access issues do impact my desire and willingness to engage in produsage.
I would engage in produsage if the developer of the produsage inform the purpose and expectation clearly. That way, I would feel comfortable to contribute in it. But, if I don't know the expectation, even I do want to contribute something, I won't do it because I am worry if what I've created would distract the overall produsage creation.

I do aware with copyright issue right now. In the past, I didn't really care about this issue, since I thought that I was far away from the author and I only use it personally and for educational setting. But right now, I do care about it and I become more careful to use graphic, etc from the internet.

I am glad that my work place still allows some web 2.0 tools to be access by the employers. I do understand why some organization locked down those tools. For example Facebook, the simple reason to locked down it is because the workers would spend their work hour to open their account.
Personally, I would more engage to contribute if the site I visited give easy access to the readers to post comment or add something.

Week 5-2. CiteUlike

Reading Bi-Jen's blog entry about CiteUlike motivated me to explore this tool. CiteUlike is dedicated for academic purposes, while Delicious can be used to bookmark anything.

I do like the "Journal" feature that enable the user to search journal article more easily. After finding the article, I can copy it to my library. The citation detail automatically exctracted to my library so I didn't need to type it again. Its support systems are also amazing. There are many database that support CiteUlike.
Love it!

Week 5-1. Exploring Second Life

I tried out Second life this week. It wasn't a very exciting experience because I faced some technical problem during exploring this tool. My laptop didn't meet the SL's system requirement, so sometimes I couldn't try out such things. The first time I tried SL, I did it with my kids so I only played around and looking some islands.
For the second time, I visited the FSU island created by Bryan. The wikispaces is very helpful. That time, I explored the "build" tools. I tried to build a building, but the result was not good, so I deleted it. During that time, my internet connection was very bad. I often lost the internet connection that made me logged out automaticly from SL. That was very distracting, because I had to log in again and again. So after almost two hours, I decided to finish it.
I do plan to try it again and show what we can do in SL to my first son, because I think he will enjoy creating something in it since he likes to draw.