Friday, August 7, 2009

Week 6-3. Reflection

I am glad that I am taking this course. For the past few weeks, I've learned some Web 2.0 technologies and how to incorporate them to improve learning and performance. All the course activities and assignment made me realize that no one of technology can provide all the things that we needs. Combining a few technologies can provide a more comprehensive tools that meet our needs. Another things that is important for me is understanding the Produsage principles.

I do plan to learn and explore intensively some of the technologies that I can be used personally as a lifelong learners and professionally as a lecturer. CiteULike, Diigo, Wikispaces, blog, Facebook and Ning are some technologies that I think I use to improve my work performance.
I definetely need to chose the tool that my future students can use it. I was so sad when I had to teach "Computer and learning media" for elementary school teachers. Some of them did not know how to use computer, even they have computer in their home or school, they never use it because they were afraid that they could damage the computer. So I had to teach them from the very basic so finally they can use word document and excel.

Thanks Dr. Dennen, Woon-Jee, Christy, and my classmates. Have a nice break.

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