Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 5-1. Exploring Second Life

I tried out Second life this week. It wasn't a very exciting experience because I faced some technical problem during exploring this tool. My laptop didn't meet the SL's system requirement, so sometimes I couldn't try out such things. The first time I tried SL, I did it with my kids so I only played around and looking some islands.
For the second time, I visited the FSU island created by Bryan. The wikispaces is very helpful. That time, I explored the "build" tools. I tried to build a building, but the result was not good, so I deleted it. During that time, my internet connection was very bad. I often lost the internet connection that made me logged out automaticly from SL. That was very distracting, because I had to log in again and again. So after almost two hours, I decided to finish it.
I do plan to try it again and show what we can do in SL to my first son, because I think he will enjoy creating something in it since he likes to draw.

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