Thursday, August 6, 2009

Week 6-1. Information about my produsage #2

I decided to provide more information about my produsage #2. For this assignment I created NF Coffe Hour - for Teacher Development blog to provide an informal learning media for the NF community where they can share ideas, articles, videos in how to improve the quality and the competency of the teachers.

NF is an acronim for Nurul Fikri. Actually its full name is Nurul Fikri Boarding School (NFBS). It is an educational institution that manages junior and senior high schools. The schools are located in Anyer, Banten while the headquarter is located in Depok, West Java.

The initial thought of creating this blog is for the NF community only, since they've an official website for the public consumption. Right now, my position is as the administrator of this blog. I've invited the leaders of this organization to be the authors/contributors of this blog. So far there are five person who confirmed and agreed to become the authors of this blog. The intended audience of this blog is the NFBS's teachers. For the purpose of the course's assigment, I still open this blog so that anyone can access it. I will invited the teachers as the readers of this blog later after this class is finished.

I am still trying to fix the translation tool. There also another thing that I want to fix. I want to make the post become short and provide "the read more" in each post. I've tried to do it by edit the html and by modify the site feed but it wasn't work.
Could anyone tell me how to do it? Thank you so much in advance.

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