Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 5-2. CiteUlike

Reading Bi-Jen's blog entry about CiteUlike motivated me to explore this tool. CiteUlike is dedicated for academic purposes, while Delicious can be used to bookmark anything.

I do like the "Journal" feature that enable the user to search journal article more easily. After finding the article, I can copy it to my library. The citation detail automatically exctracted to my library so I didn't need to type it again. Its support systems are also amazing. There are many database that support CiteUlike.
Love it!


  1. So glad to read your critique of CiteULike. I appreciate the feedback and opinions from my classmates, especially if you have a valid reason for using it. Thanks.

  2. Hi Sri, glad to see you're enjoying CiteULike, it is a pretty cool service. Have you tried out Mendeley? It allows you to organize your research papers on your desktop or on the web. And since you're already using CiteULike, there's an easy way to sync between your CiteULike library and Mendeley. I'd really like to read your opinion about it if you do give it a try. Either here through a blog post of directly via twitter (@rvidal) or email
