Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 5 - 3. Authorship, copyright and open access.

Authorship copyright, and open access issues do impact my desire and willingness to engage in produsage.
I would engage in produsage if the developer of the produsage inform the purpose and expectation clearly. That way, I would feel comfortable to contribute in it. But, if I don't know the expectation, even I do want to contribute something, I won't do it because I am worry if what I've created would distract the overall produsage creation.

I do aware with copyright issue right now. In the past, I didn't really care about this issue, since I thought that I was far away from the author and I only use it personally and for educational setting. But right now, I do care about it and I become more careful to use graphic, etc from the internet.

I am glad that my work place still allows some web 2.0 tools to be access by the employers. I do understand why some organization locked down those tools. For example Facebook, the simple reason to locked down it is because the workers would spend their work hour to open their account.
Personally, I would more engage to contribute if the site I visited give easy access to the readers to post comment or add something.

1 comment:

  1. You are fortunate to be allowed Web 2.0 access at work. I think it will take cultural change for many organizations to allow it.
