Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 4 -3. Delicious

This week I decided to learn how to use Delicious. As a social bookmark, I think Delicious is cool. The interface is user friendly. I can easily add some sites that I like and import my old bookmark into delicious. It also have some features that help me to organize my bookmark. I think I will use delicious as my bookmark tool.

Right now, I've not found its weaknesses yet. Anyone?


  1. Hi Sri,
    Have you tried to use Diigo? Like Delicious, Diigo can manage your bookmarks. In addition to the bookmarking features, you can highlight informatin and add a sticky note on a web page. Diigo is also a cool tool. I recommend you to play with Diigo some days.

  2. I found one cool thing about Delicious is that we can import/upload bookmark from/ to our browser favorites with different computer by web. I am willing to try ~
