Saturday, July 4, 2009

Week 1, 1st entry: Follower for now....Next must become a leader

As an active contributor, I don't have many experiences with Web 2.0 tools. I've used some Web 2.0 tools (e.g Wikispaces, blog, Gliffy) as regard to course requirement and Facebook as my social network software. I also often use other Web 2.0 tools such as Youtube to find information on how to do someAthing. That why for now, I would consider myself as follower in Web 2.0 eras. However, I do plan to become a leader in the future where I create my own personal blog and incorporate some of Web 2.0 technologies in my course activities, so I could engage and motivate my students and also provide more learning opportunities for them.

I hope this class will increase my knowledge about Web 2.0 technologies and how to applied them in instructional setting.

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