Friday, July 17, 2009

Week 3-1. Wiki or blog?

Both wiki and blog could be used for collaborative work. However, when is the best time to use wiki and blog?

There are some question that I will need to answer when I want to use wiki, blog, or both of them, such as "Do Iwant the users to read only?; read and comment but not edit?; be able to read or edit? or what is the purpose of the task?"
Since blog is more personal, it is best used when I want the learner to share experiences, opinions, or creations that reflect their learning where other learners can only read the posting and make a comment.
Wikis are tools which allow learners to co-construct a web page. Wikis are best used for collaborative tasks where others can edit the text.
Others concern that I need to be address are reliability, confidentiality, and safety.

If management wants to implement these tools, encouraging the employees and the students to participate could be the challenge since some of them maybe don't have the willing to learn new technologies and don't want to change the way they work or learn.

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