Saturday, July 18, 2009

Week 3-2. Little discussion on Web 2.0

On Friday, after my husband and I went to book store where we saw a lot of book that discuss about Facebook, blogs and some other web 2.0 tools, my husband ask me one question. What was web 2.0 exactly? Although he often use Facebook, blog, and Google doc, however he doesn't know that both of them are web 2.0 tools. I guess many people are like my husband who often use Facebook or blog, but they don't know the term "web 2.0".
My answer to his question was simple, Web 2.0 is the term that is used to describe the second generation of web that enable the users to be more active participant who can edit, add comment, or share information.
We continued our discussion about some application of Web 2.0. Until he said that he wanted his institution to be more paperless, because the cost to buy paper was very high. Then we agree to try blog to develop community of practice. I will set-up the blog for his organization, it is also for my produsage #2.

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