Saturday, July 11, 2009

Week 2 - 1. Produsage and produser

To be honest, it is still difficult for me to define the term "produsage". I am unsure if I have master the concept of produsage clearly. My understanding on the concept of produsage: it is a fluid co-creation of social artefacts, always unfinished, and part of a field of intercreativity of informational communities. In the produsage concept, there is no seperation between production, distribution, and consumption.

In regard to personal life, I think I already applied the concept of produsage in few cases, however in my professional life, most of the time I applied the older concept "production" because almost all the works that I did were end on " a product", such as module and examination items.

Am I already a produser? I think so, but I still have to learn more about it. I often use IM not only to chat with friends but also to discuss something where each of us share our knowledge related to the issue. Could it be classified as produser?
Some of my Facebook friends are really good produser. They often post really good information in their post or their notes that are very useful to me.

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