Saturday, July 11, 2009

Week 2- 2Twitter, Facebook and Savor chat

I've create an account in Twitter in order to learn more about Twitter. Twitter is designed to support micro-interaction, maybe that why it only provide 140 characters for its users to post their personal information. Like blog or Facebook, Twitter has user-friendly interface.

I followed Pete Cashmore and learned a lot from him on how to get start with Twitter. He provides a lot of information on things what we can do with Twitter. I've tried to combine Facebook and Twitter for Live chat using Savor Chat. I think it is a great software, since it can bring Facebook and Twitter together.


  1. Hi Sri -
    So Savor Chat would be considered a mash up, right? I am on Twitter also. You can follow me @EirinTweets. I also have the link on my blog. I think that with more connections Twitter would be useful, but for me and my needs, it is not better than Facebook, email or Blackboard for connecting with people.

  2. Hi Eirin,

    Yes, I think so, Savor Chat can be categorized as a mash up. I have the same opinion with you, I like Facebook better than twitter.
