Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week 1, 3rd entry: web 2.0 tools

Web 2.0 provides some tools that can be categorized as:
  • blog is a webpage where user can enter their posts that might contain information or personal diary.
  • collaborative editing tools, such as wikis, google docs, spreadsheets, gliffy are some of Web 2.0 tools that can be use for collaboration activities.
  • tagging and social bookmarking. social bookmarking services allow users to create a list of bookmark and allow them to share their tagged bookmark with other users and categorized these bookmarks according to the tags.
  • multimedia sharing are a series of web services that allow users to post, view, and provide comments about various media. These services include YouTube, Geogle video, Flickr, Odeo, and Slideshare.
  • social networking is web services that allow users to develop their personal page and make link with others' personal pages to develop social networks. Facebook, Myspace, and LinkedIn are some of the web services that specialized in social networking.
  • RSS is a family of web feed formats for syndicating content from web pages and allow users to learn new entries without visiting it.

1 comment:

  1. Very good categorization of Web2.0! Thanks to you, I could understand major characteristics of Web2.0. It serves collaborative, sharing, networking platform with creating webpage, tagging, bookmarking, and linking.
